Building excellence and innovation in career and workforce development
Connect with your peers and discover new learning opportunities at the Career Development Professional Centre!
The Career Development Professional Centre supports the community of career professionals by offering:
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If you work in career and workforce development services, the Career Development Professional Centre is your home for in-person and virtual opportunities to connect with others working in the field and to access free training on career development in our emergent labour market.
Learn, exchange, and grow – share your ideas for improving practice, try out new skills, connect with other professionals in the field, and discover new ways to help clients navigate the future of work.
If you work in career/workforce development, the CDPC is for you.
Canada’s career development sector is filled with vibrant and talented professionals who are committed to helping individuals and employers thrive. The work you do is complex and vitally important to those you serve, their families, communities, and Canada as a whole. The Career Development Professional Centre is devoted to supporting you in this work by providing professional development, access to a social learning community, and much more.
Career development happens in so many places and is offered by so many people! The Centre supports the work of:
- Career Development Professionals
- Career Information Specialists
- Job Developers
- Academic Advisors, Guidance Counselors, and Career Educators
- Employment and Training Officers and Coaches
- Youth Employment Consultants
- And more!