1.5 – Represent Career Development Qualifications
Purpose & Context
Career Development Professionals (CDPs) make accurate statements regarding their qualifications (professional training and credentials) and professional affiliations to protect the integrity of the practice.
Effective Performance
Competent career development professionals must be able to:
- P1. Comply with certification marks usage guidelines e.g. Certified Career Development Professional (CCDP):
- Trademarks must be displayed and reproduced according to guidelines set by the governing body;
- P2. Report unauthorized use of certification marks;
- P3. Where clients have inaccurate expectations:
- Provide clear explanation of qualifications;
- Communicate limits of qualifications;
- Correct misunderstandings of qualifications;
- P4. When making public statements:
- Clarify whether presenting personal views or speaking on behalf of professional field;
Knowledge & Understanding
Competent career development professionals must know and understand:
- K1. Certification marks usage guidelines
Contextual Variables
Competent career development professionals must be able to perform this competency in the following range of contexts:
Glossary & Key References
Industry-specific terms contained in the standard defined here, where applicable.
Designation mark: a graphic or logo, only to be used by holders of a specific certification.
Information Sources and Resources for Consideration
Context Rating Scales
Q: What is the consequence of a professional being unable to perform this skill according to the standard?
Q: How frequent and under what conditions is this skill performed?
Level of Difficulty
Q: Under routine circumstances, how would you rate the level of difficulty in performing this skill?
Time Required to Gain Proficiency
Q: What is the average length of time or number of repeated events that are minimally necessary for an individual to become proficient in performing the skill to the standard?
To ensure clients can make informed decisions, a career development professional should perform this competency proficiently immediately upon entering practice.
Practitioners typically perform this competency without supervision, and alone.
It is unlikely that this competency will automate.