Competency Category:

20.3 – Integrate Career Development Across Curriculum

Purpose & Context

Educators, as career development professionals (CDPs), translate career curriculum into age- and grade-appropriate lessons, activities, and discussions. As CDPs, educators may also work with others to develop cross-curriculum materials and strategies focused on integrating work, life, and learning competencies to support student success in the classroom and beyond.

Effective Performance

Competent career development professionals must be able to:

  • P1. Facilitate age- and grade-appropriate career curriculum, for example:
    • Support early year career development, e.g. fostering creativity, curiosity, resilience, and autonomy; buildingpositive relationships within the community; exploring hopes and dreams
    • Promote career awareness in elementary schools, e.g. exploring roles/opportunities in the community; developinga sense of personal skills/competence; facilitating opportunities to contribute at school, at home, and/or withinthe community
    • Explore career possibilities in middle schools, e.g. providing opportunities to recognize skills, strengths, and
      interests, and develop new ones; expanding options/possibilities; developing transferrable skills
    • Prepare for post-secondary studies and/or work search to support career aspirations, e.g. crafting plans to
      achieve academic, employment, and/or community engagement goals; cultivating a positive work attitude and ethic
    • Support post-secondary success, e.g. facilitating school-to-work transitions; integrating academic courses with
      work opportunities (work-integrated learning/internships); providing career services and supports such as resume
      writing workshops, academic advising
  • P2. Identify opportunities to integrate career concepts across curriculum content areas:
    • Identify outcomes across content areas in a specific grade level that align with building occupational and
      career awareness
    • Identify career influencers who are connected to those content areas and/or working in a range of occupations
      related to those content areas
  • P3. Access a career development community of practice:
    • Engage with members of the school and the broader community, e.g. share information, invite feedback, facilitate
    • Co-create plans of action
  • P4. Develop learning activities or resources which connect work, life, and learning. Examples include, but are not
    limited to::

    • Classroom discussions on career-related topics, e.g. labour market information, gig economy, globalization, work
    • Guest speakers, e.g. professionals sharing personal experience and career paths
    • Field activities, e.g. worksite visits, on-site observation
    • Experiential learning, e.g. volunteering, part-time work, community service, internships, classroom exercises
      that replicate real work tasks
    • Research assignments, e.g. identifying occupations using knowledge covered in the classroom, relate content to
      occupation-specific tasks, identify educational requirements for selected occupations
    • Career-related assignments, e.g. develop a business plan, market a product, prepare an environmental scan of
      occupations within a service or organization
    • Career exploration games, e.g. board games, online simulations
    • Career exploration diary, e.g. student records own experiences, career learnings, reflections, process of career
  • P5. Support a learner-centred approach. Examples may include:
    • Infuse principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion
    • Attend to accessibility considerations
    • Apply principles of universal design for learning (UDL)
  • P6. Support the implementation of the career curriculum. Examples include:
    • Liaise between staff and subject matter experts
    • Deliver information sessions, as required
    • Deliver training sessions, as required
  • P7. Evaluate impact on career awareness. Examples include:
    • Conduct student awareness surveys
    • Document frequency and breadth of student experiences
    • Record numbers of students participating in career activities
  • P8. Revise promotion of career awareness across curriculum, as required

Knowledge & Understanding

Competent career development professionals must know and understand:

  • K1. Provincially prescribed curriculum components, e.g. document organization, curriculum outcomes, skills frameworks,
    achievement indicators, assessment and evaluation
  • K2. Scaffolding of learning in outcome-based early years, K-12, and post-secondary programs of studies
  • K3. Experiential learning programs and opportunities, e.g. curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular
  • K4. Key career development concepts, e.g. labour market information, gig economy, globalization, work disruption
  • K5. Community resources
  • K6. Characteristics of students with exceptional needs
  • K7. Education system supports and resources available to students
  • K8. Cross-curriculum career awareness strategies

Contextual Variables

Competent career development professionals must be able to perform this competency in the following range of contexts:

Integrating career awareness across curriculum presents challenges and opportunities. Strategies should be developed at all program levels in collaboration with all staff.

Community engagement is critical for successful cross-curriculum initiatives.

Glossary & Key References


Industry-specific terms contained in the standard defined here, where applicable.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): a framework offering insights into how humans learn and providing guidance for providing multiple means of engagement (why we learn), representation (what we learn), and action and expression (how we learn).

Work-integrated learning: a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting (also known as “co-operative education”).

Information Sources and Resources for Consideration

CAST (n.d.). About universal design for learning.

Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling Program: Supporting Student Success. 2007. Revised updated 2010. Nova Scotia. Department of Education. Student Services. ISBN: 1-55457-078-6

Standards of Practice for Guidance Counsellors, 2014 Department of Education Newfoundland and Labrador

Sultana, R. G. (2018). Enhancing the quality of career guidance in secondary schools: A handbook. University of Malta: Malta. ISBN 978-88-940328-0-2 accessed

Context Rating Scales


Q: What is the consequence of a professional being unable to perform this skill according to the standard?



Q: How frequent and under what conditions is this skill performed?

Circumstantially, e.g. per project, when a specific event arises

Level of Difficulty

Q: Under routine circumstances, how would you rate the level of difficulty in performing this skill?

Moderate difficulty or complexity

Time Required to Gain Proficiency

Q: What is the average length of time or number of repeated events that are minimally necessary for an individual to become proficient in performing the skill to the standard?

A career development professional requires a minimum of one year of experience as an educator and varied experiences in collaborating with families of students.


Practitioners typically perform this competency without supervision, and alone and/or as part of a team.


It is unlikely that this competency will automate.

Requisite Work Aids, Tools, Equipment or Materials


Career Development Professional Centre

Code of Conduct

Help us cultivate a Centre we all enjoy by reviewing and following the Code of Conduct.

Our Purpose

Thank you for being a part of the Career Development Professional Centre. To ensure that all members have the best possible experience, we have a few ground rules that we ask everyone to adhere to. This code of conduct applies equally to every person in the community and is intended to foster an online space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all.

Centre Rules

Be welcoming

We strive to be a place that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. We aim to be a place that promotes excellence and innovation in career and workforce development. Please extend respect to all members; we all come from different backgrounds and levels of knowledge and there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Be respectful

We won’t all agree all the time, but when we disagree don’t let those disagreements turn into personal attacks. A place where people feel uncomfortable or threatened will not be a productive one. When having discussions in the online community, commenting on a library article, or participating in other Centre activities, strive for productive conversations around the content being presented, not the person behind the content. Any comments determined to be “hate speech” towards any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the comment has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Hate Speech could include and is not limited to:

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person
  • Discriminatory jokes, language, or materials
  • Defamatory or abusive language or materials
  • Profane or illegal materials
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior

A good rule of thumb is to never say anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable with the world seeing or that you wouldn’t want anyone knowing came from you. We ask that you keep in mind the focus of this place, which is building excellence and innovation in career and workforce development for all individuals.

Be considerate of the purpose of the Centre

The Centre focuses on building excellence and discussing innovation in the career and workforce development field. The goal of the social learning community is to communicate goals, challenges, constructive feedback, and questions in relation to career and workforce development. The Centre should be a place for continued learning and development as well as a place to discuss the future of our field (solicitation without written consent by the Project or Advisory team, is strictly prohibited). Any post or comment that is determined to be soliciting any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the post has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Post your discussions or documents in the most appropriate group or topic

Especially within the social learning community, make reasonable efforts to ensure that posts and materials are allocated to the appropriate group or topic. This will prevent cluttering the feed and make it easier for everyone to find the information that they are seeking. Individuals who do this repeatedly will be contacted by one of the group admins and asked to follow these guidelines.

Privacy and Release of Information

CDPC-CEDC will not release your information to any third-party agencies.

Thank you and welcome to the CDPC