6.3 – Collaborate with Peers
Purpose & Context
Career Development Professionals (CDPs) collaborate with others to achieve the best outcomes for clients.
Effective Performance
Competent career development professionals must be able to:
- P1. Help colleagues who need assistance
- P2. Share best practices with colleagues, e.g. present at conferences, participate in team case conferencing
- P3. Seek advice on case-specific challenges, considering:
- Signed release of any confidential information
- Privacy and confidentiality of personal information
- Focus only on relevant information
- P4. Create opportunities to work with others to address shared practice issues and improve service delivery
- P5. Resolve disagreements with peers:
- Acknowledge disagreement
- Clarify issue to be resolved
- Share relevant information, e.g. clarify position and underlying reasoning
- Identify a mutually acceptable solution
- Develop a plan of action
- Share outcomes
- P6. Recognize others’ contributions
Knowledge & Understanding
Competent career development professionals must know and understand:
- K1. Conflict resolution approaches
Contextual Variables
Competent career development professionals must be able to perform this competency in the following range of contexts:
CDPs collaborate with a range of professionals to meet client needs. Different perspectives could affect the way in which this competency is practiced.
Glossary & Key References
Industry-specific terms contained in the standard defined here, where applicable.
Information Sources and Resources for Consideration
Context Rating Scales
Q: What is the consequence of a professional being unable to perform this skill according to the standard?
Q: How frequent and under what conditions is this skill performed?
Level of Difficulty
Q: Under routine circumstances, how would you rate the level of difficulty in performing this skill?
Time Required to Gain Proficiency
Q: What is the average length of time or number of repeated events that are minimally necessary for an individual to become proficient in performing the skill to the standard?
A career development professional requires at least one year to develop collaborative relationships.
Practitioners typically perform this competency without supervision, and as part of a team.
It is unlikely that this competency will automate.