Competency Series: 14 - Career Resources
Manage career resources to support client services and self-directed learning
Career Development Professionals (CDPs) collect and identify career resources and deliver services to support career development. CDPs ensure that these resources (virtual or physical) can be easily accessed by clients at their convenience.
Career Development Professionals (CDPs) must remain aware of developments in the labour market both at a national level, in their local community, and within the industries their clients are likely to enter. They are also aware of key developments in society that have repercussions on labour market demands, such as political, economic, social and technological changes.Labour Market Information describes key aspects of a labour market, such as the levels of vacancies in clients’ chosen fields and what wages to expect in specific roles. Because labour markets are constantly changing, it is important to have up-to-date information to best serve clients.CDPs use this information to meet the needs of both their clients and employers. Accurate, relevant and current information helps assist clients in developing realistic and achievable career goals. CDPs must be skilled at locating and analyzing labour market information.
Career Development Professionals (CPDs) guide clients in the using a range of assessment methods (self-directed and CDP facilitated) to inform career decisions. This enables the client to have clarity on their traits such as strengths, interests, and values, explore learning and work options, and make informed decisions about career goals.Career Development Professionals will determine what assessment methods are appropriate based on the evaluation of client needs.
Career Development Professionals (CDPs) use technology and social media to deliver career development services. Technology provides opportunities to meet virtually with a client and facilitates interactive training and experiential learning through online portals. It optimizes successful outcomes using job-search technology, social media strategies, mobile technologies and internet-based applications. Technology also supports self-guidance and promotes empowerment.CDPs adhere to legal and ethical requirements when using technology. This includes protecting confidentiality, securing information and ensuring equality of access.