2023 NAGCAS National Conference
This is an in-person conference!
The National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (NAGCAS) invites colleagues for three days of intense professional development. We welcome participants from the University and TAFE sectors, industry, governments, education providers, and secondary schools from across Australia as well as internationally.
The conference provides opportunities to:
- hear from and interact with, international, national, and local experts;
- attend interactive presentations from practitioners and researchers;
- participate in professional competitions;
- experience a variety of networking and social opportunities and functions; and
- take time to reflect, re-energise, and discuss with like-minded colleagues
The 2023 NAGCAS Conference is in-person from Wednesday 29 November to Friday 1 December 2023, hosted by RMIT University’s Melbourne CBD Campus.
Stream 1: AI and Technology – exploring the implications and fostering deeper understanding of AI and technology and its potential to transform careers, and revolutionise life, whilst prioritising the well-being of individuals and communities. How technology changes the way we work and impacts our service delivery.
Stream 2: Sustainability – charting paths to a sustainable future by empowering Gen Z, understanding emerging occupations and crafting compelling career narratives. How are teams designing programs to help students learn about skills and jobs of the future?
Stream 3: Diversity and Inclusion and Outreach – our role in embracing diversity, cultivating inclusive environments. Empowering career confidence and advocating career development for all. How can we ensure that students in greatest need of support receive the assistance they require?
Dates: Wednesday, November 29th-Friday, December 1st 2023
Cost: $1095.00 (AU)
Use this link to learn more about or register for this conference: https://www.nagcas.org.au/conference
- Language: English

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 29 2023 - Dec 01 2023
- Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm