
Feb 13 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Systems and Programs To Support First-Generation Graduate Students

This is a webinar! 

Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into the case study of NYU Wasserman career services for first-generation graduate students. Through a comprehensive outline, we will explore the framework, key findings, and valuable learnings from this initiative. Our engaging format includes interactive polls, small-group discussions, and an audience Q&A session.


  • Introduction: We’ll kick off the webinar by introducing ourselves, setting the session agenda, and clarifying the learning objectives.
  • Poll on Current Services for First-Generation Graduate Students: Utilizing Mentimeter, we’ll conduct an interactive poll to gauge the audience’s understanding of first-generation populations at their institutions. This poll will cover definitions, demographic tracking, and existing services for first-generation students.
  • Overview of Institution and Career Services: Learn about NYU’s size and scale, along with insights into the first-generation graduate student population served by our career center. Discover the resources available to support this group.
  • Defining First-Generation Graduate Students: Explore how NYU defines first-generation undergraduate students and the inclusive graduate-level definition we developed.
  • Surveying First-Generation Graduate Student Needs: Gain insights into our initial survey assessment of the needs and experiences of first-generation graduate students at NYU, as well as the challenges and opportunities uncovered.
  • First-Generation Graduate Student Webpage and Listserv: Get a firsthand look at our dedicated webpage for first-generation graduate student career information and our listserv sign-up to facilitate communication about career programs, events, and resources.
  • First-Generation Graduate Student Career Development Programs: Delve into the six programs launched in Spring 2022 and Fall 2022, including discussions, workshops, panels, and networking sessions. Learn about their purpose, logistics, topics covered, attendance, and semesterly evaluations.
  • First-Generation Graduate Student Career Certificate: Discover the pilot launch of the First-Generation Graduate Student Career Certificate in Fall 2022, designed to incentivize program participation and celebrate student achievements. Learn about the certificate’s creation, requirements, and the number of students who earned it in the pilot semester.
  • Next Steps in First-Generation Student Services: We’ll conclude the session by sharing our plans for the future of first-generation graduate student career services, providing insights into our ongoing commitment to this vital initiative.
  • Closing Remarks and Q&A: In the final segment, we’ll offer concluding thoughts and open the floor to questions from the audience.

Following this program, you will be able to:

  • Begin building first-generation graduate student support systems at their home institutions through a guided career development framework;
  • Evaluate and iterate career services for first-generation graduate students through various approaches and methods; and
  • Reflect on first-generation graduate student needs at their respective institutions and gain an understanding of the unique circumstances and expectations of this student population.

Date: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024

Time: 1 pm-2 pm

Use this link to learn more or register for this webinar:

  • Language: English


National Association of College and Employers

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 13 2024
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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Career Development Professional Centre

Code of Conduct

Help us cultivate a Centre we all enjoy by reviewing and following the Code of Conduct.

Our Purpose

Thank you for being a part of the Career Development Professional Centre. To ensure that all members have the best possible experience, we have a few ground rules that we ask everyone to adhere to. This code of conduct applies equally to every person in the community and is intended to foster an online space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all.

Centre Rules

Be welcoming

We strive to be a place that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. We aim to be a place that promotes excellence and innovation in career and workforce development. Please extend respect to all members; we all come from different backgrounds and levels of knowledge and there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Be respectful

We won’t all agree all the time, but when we disagree don’t let those disagreements turn into personal attacks. A place where people feel uncomfortable or threatened will not be a productive one. When having discussions in the online community, commenting on a library article, or participating in other Centre activities, strive for productive conversations around the content being presented, not the person behind the content. Any comments determined to be “hate speech” towards any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the comment has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Hate Speech could include and is not limited to:

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person
  • Discriminatory jokes, language, or materials
  • Defamatory or abusive language or materials
  • Profane or illegal materials
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior

A good rule of thumb is to never say anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable with the world seeing or that you wouldn’t want anyone knowing came from you. We ask that you keep in mind the focus of this place, which is building excellence and innovation in career and workforce development for all individuals.

Be considerate of the purpose of the Centre

The Centre focuses on building excellence and discussing innovation in the career and workforce development field. The goal of the social learning community is to communicate goals, challenges, constructive feedback, and questions in relation to career and workforce development. The Centre should be a place for continued learning and development as well as a place to discuss the future of our field (solicitation without written consent by the Project or Advisory team, is strictly prohibited). Any post or comment that is determined to be soliciting any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the post has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Post your discussions or documents in the most appropriate group or topic

Especially within the social learning community, make reasonable efforts to ensure that posts and materials are allocated to the appropriate group or topic. This will prevent cluttering the feed and make it easier for everyone to find the information that they are seeking. Individuals who do this repeatedly will be contacted by one of the group admins and asked to follow these guidelines.

Privacy and Release of Information

CDPC-CEDC will not release your information to any third-party agencies.

Thank you and welcome to the CDPC