Youth Symposium 2023
This is an in-person and virtual event!
As the world rapidly evolves, the challenges faced by youth in today’s workforce have never been more profound. “The Stakes Are High” and NAWDP’s 2023 Youth Symposium on November 6th-8th in Las Vegas will address critical issues head-on by sharing innovative solutions and empowering strategies that will shape a brighter future as we navigate through the challenges faced by our youth workforce.
NAWDP’s Youth Symposium brings together workforce development thought leaders and stakeholders whose focus is providing workforce development opportunities for the youth population. Register now for this event known for its knowledge exchange, inspiration, and collaboration that unites workforce professionals from across the nation.
This year, in addition to our in-person event, we are also offering a virtual attendance option. Both in-person and virtual attendees will get access to all recorded sessions for a limited time following the conference.
You can view a Schedule at a Glance here. Please check back in August 2023 for a tentative schedule, complete with workshop descriptions. The 2023 Youth Symposium sessions will be focused on the following learning tracks:
- Priorities for Youth Workforce Development from DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA): ETA “envisions a no-wrong-door youth workforce system that offers seamless access to resources, programs, and wrap around services; offers guaranteed paid work experiences for young people; and coordinates with critical partners committed to high quality career pathways for young workers”.
- Technology and Digital Solutions: This track will focus on strategies to incorporate technology, virtual, and digital solutions into programs to improve outreach, service delivery and accessibility.
- Personal and Leadership Development for the Workforce Professional: This track will focus on development for the workforce professional, both in personal development and leadership competencies.
- Career Counseling and Development: This track will focus on providing the latest tools, assessments, and strategies in providing career counseling and development, including career pathways strategies and case management promising practices.
- Telling the Story of Impactful and Innovative Youth Programs: This track will showcase youth programs that are innovative and highlight practices that others can implement to develop new youth programs or expand existing programs.
Dates: November 6-8, 2023
Cost: $795.00
Use this link to learn more about or register for this conference: https://www.nawdp.org/page/YDS23
- Language: English

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 06 - 08 2023
- Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm