Are you working to Burnout or working to Wellness? How to reduce stress, anxiety and Burnout in Workforce Development Organizations!
This is a webinar!
This is a very difficult time to be in the workforce development field. Stress, anxiety and burnout are proven killers, and they will shorten your life span. The lingering impact of Covid and the high numbers of unemployed people especially those with multiple and severe barriers to employment. In many places there is a lack of jobs especially those that pay a living wage. Our field has seen its funding cut dramatically leading to lower staff pay and less services for job seekers. We are experiencing the highest levels of stress, anxiety and burnout in the history of the workforce development field. You can see this in the high levels of turnover in workforce development. Stress, anxiety and burnout not only impacts our ability to deliver the best services, but it also takes its toll on our mental, physical and emotional health. In addition, it is all too easy for the pressures of work to spill over into our lives outside of work and have a negative impact on our families and friends.
This situation calls for powerful intervention strategies that can help us get on track and work to wellness instead of working to burnout. Generic strategies about how to approach these problems are often not relevant or effective for people in workforce development. You need approaches that are specifically geared toward staff and management that work in workforce development. That is what this webinar is all about.
You will learn the differences between stress, anxiety and burnout and how they develop in workforce organizations. Discover what needs to be done both on the individual and organizational levels to create proactive wellness strategies that work for people in our field. Get ideas about how management and staff can work together to create a healthier workplace that can overcome the challenges we face on a daily and long term basis as people in the workforce development field. This staff and management partnership can provide an ongoing antidote to the ever increasing negative forces that come into our work.
Learn about the best wellness practices used in the private sector and other workforce organizations around the country so you can put them into your work. Find out how to create a personal workforce wellness plan that will help you do your job in a different way so you can do it at the highest levels for the longest time. No matter what your job is and no matter what kind of program you have, if workforce development is a focus of your work this webinar will help you work to wellness and not work to burnout!
Date: October 17th, 2023
Time: 10:30 am-12:30 pm (PDT)
Cost: $59.00-Webinar will be recorded and made available for 30 days after this date.
The webinar can be taken any day after 30 days after the session.
Use this link to learn more or register for this webinar:
- Language: English
Virtual Event
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 17 2023
- Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm