Basic CDP Skills: Salary Negotiation 101
This 3-hour online workshop covers basic to intermediate salary and benefits negotiation information and strategies. We explore salary negotiation at 3 critical stages of employment i.e., at the interview (pre-employment), while employed for salary increases (during employment), and ‘last resort’ salary negotiation with an employer before deciding to seek other employment (pre-departure). Participants will learn ways to assist clients to handle common barriers such as research preparation and confidence development; learn strategies on how to transition a conversation to salary negotiation with an employer; hear about real-life strategies that were effective in obtaining higher salaries than initially offered; and gain insight from a Human Resources professional on how negotiation is viewed and handled from the employer’s side. This workshop includes handouts of printable worksheets for use when coaching clients.
Learning outcomes:
• Learn about salary negotiation at 3 key stages of employment i.e., pre-employment, during employment, and pre-departure.
• Hear about effective real-life strategies that obtained higher salaries than initially offered
• Gain insight from the Human Resources department on how negotiation is viewed and handled
• Discover strategies related to the current economic and employment climate
Hear from previous participants:-
“Great content, the facilitator provided experiential examples”
“A well-researched workshop”
“Many times, job maintenance affects workers as they fear asking for what they need. This workshop is very helpful for coaching clients”