
Nov 16 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

ChatGPT for Skills and Workforce Development Professionals || ChatGPT pour les professionnels du développement des compétences et de la main-d’œuvre

*Détails en français suivi

Join us for the Future Skills Centre (FSC)’s Community of Practice Professional Development Toolbox series webinar: ChatGPT for Skills and Workforce Development Professionals.

​In this webinar, Danny Mirza, Lead Career Consultant at Coventry University, UK, will guide participants through the basics of using ChatGPT to automate tasks and improve client engagement and career readiness. This interactive webinar is an opportunity to learn about how to apply generative AI tools in skills and workforce development.

​​Guest speaker Danny Mirza is a Tech-Savvy AI-Mazing Career Development Professional in the UK Higher Education Sector, known for his expertise in careers branding, marketing, and engagement through innovative technologies like GenAI tools and applications.

Learning Outcomes

  • ​Gain insights about the practical applications of generative AI tools in skills and workforce development
  • ​Learn how to use ChatGPT for administrative tasks, training, counselling and other other client services

​No prior experience with ChatGPT or other generative AI tools is necessary – this webinar is for anyone interested in learning more about integrating AI into their work. This session may be especially beneficial to those interested in enhancing their professional skills and providing an enhanced level of community-focused support. At the end of this webinar, participants will leave with resources that can help them apply the learnings from the webinar to their work.

Who Should Attend?

  • ​Employment and skills training providers
  • ​Career counsellors
  • ​Job developers
  • ​Case or program managers

​Participating in this initiative is free. We hope that you are able to join us for this informative and engaging webinar!

Recording and Accessibility

​This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants. Closed captioning and French-English Interpretation will be available. Please indicate any further accommodations you will require to participate during registration.


​Should you have any questions or concerns about this webinar, please contact Prama Rahman at

​​This initiative is part of the Future Skills Centre’s Community of Practice, supported by the FSC Community of Practice Platform (powered by Magnet). The FSC Community of Practice offers free access to resources, news and events, as well as the opportunity to meet community members across Canada who are preparing people across Canada for the future of work.

Research Impact Canada, in partnership with the Future Skills Centre, is providing new offerings through the Future Skills Centre Community of Practice. 

The information you share in this registration form and in the event will be used to help the Research Impact Canada team better understand who is participating in Future Skills Centre’s Community of Practice activities, events, and services, so that offerings are relevant and beneficial for diverse stakeholders. Individual responses will remain confidential. Research Impact Canada will combine your responses with those of other participants, and findings will be shared at the group level with the Future Skills Centre.

With your consent, Research Impact Canada’s Community Engagement Team may also facilitate warm connections between yourself and other skills-training and workforce development stakeholders to share ideas, best practices, tools, and resources. 

Participez au webinaire de la communauté de pratique de la boîte à outils de développement professionnel du Centre des Compétences Futures (CCF) : ChatGPT pour les professionnels du développement des compétences et de la main-d’œuvre.

​Dans ce webinaire, Danny Mirza, Conseiller principal en carrière à l’Université de Coventry, Royaume-Uni, guidera les participants à travers les bases de l’utilisation de ChatGPT pour automatiser les tâches et améliorer l’engagement des clients et la préparation à la carrière. Ce webinaire interactif est l’occasion d’apprendre comment appliquer les outils d’IA générative au développement des compétences et de la main-d’œuvre..

Danny Mirza est un professionnel du développement de carrière dans le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni, connu pour son expertise en matière d’image de marque, de marketing et d’engagement des carrières par le biais de technologies innovantes telles que les outils et les applications GenAI.

​​Résultats d’apprentissage

  • ​Obtenir des informations sur les applications pratiques des outils d’IA générative dans le domaine du développement des compétences et de la main-d’œuvre.
  • ​Apprendre à utiliser ChatGPT pour des tâches administratives, des formations, des conseils et d’autres services aux clients.

​Aucune expérience préalable avec ChatGPT ou d’autres outils d’IA générative n’est nécessaire – ce webinaire s’adresse à toute personne souhaitant en savoir plus sur l’intégration de l’IA dans son travail. Cette session peut être particulièrement bénéfique pour ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leurs compétences professionnelles et fournir un meilleur niveau de soutien axé sur la communauté. À la fin de ce webinaire, les participants repartiront avec des ressources qui les aideront à appliquer les enseignements du webinaire à leur travail.

Qui devrait participer ?

  • ​Prestataires de services d’emploi et de formation professionnelle
  • ​Conseillers d’orientation professionnelle
  • ​Développeurs d’emploi
  • ​Gestionnaires de cas ou de programmes

​La participation à cette initiative est gratuite. Nous espérons que vous pourrez vous joindre à nous pour ce webinaire informatif et engageant !

Enregistrement et accessibilité

​Ce webinaire sera enregistré et accessible aux participants inscrits. Le sous-titrage et l’interprétation français-anglais seront disponibles. Veuillez indiquer, lors de l’inscription, tout autre aménagement dont vous aurez besoin pour participer.


​Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations concernant ce webinaire, veuillez contacter Prama Rahman à l’adresse

​Cette initiative fait partie de la Communauté de pratique du Centre des Compétences futures, soutenue par la plateforme de la Communauté de pratique du CCF (propulsée par Magnet). La Communauté de pratique du CCF offre un accès gratuit à des ressources, des nouvelles et des événements, ainsi que la possibilité de rencontrer des membres de la communauté à travers le Canada qui préparent les gens à l’avenir du travail.

En partenariat avec le Centre des compétences futures (CCF), le Réseau Impact Recherche Canada (RIRC) explore de nouvelles solutions pour la communauté d’expertise du CCF. 

L’équipe du RIRC se servira des renseignements recueillis dans le cadre des échanges et lors de l’événement pour mieux comprendre le profil des personnes qui participent à la communauté d’expertise du CCF. Cela permettra au RIRC de proposer des solutions pertinentes et bénéfiques à l’ensemble des parties prenantes.  Les réponses individuelles seront traitées de manière confidentielle. Le RIRC utilisera les réponses de manière agrégée seulement, et seuls les résultats globaux seront partagés avec le CCF.

Avec votre consentement, l’équipe d’engagement des intervenants de Recherche Impact Canada peut également faciliter l’établissement de liens chaleureux entre vous et d’autres intervenants en formation professionnelle et en développement de la main-d’œuvre afin de partager des idées, des pratiques exemplaires, des outils et des ressources. 

  • Language: Bilingual


Future Skills Centre
QR Code

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Date: Nov 16 2023
  • Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Next Event


Career Development Professional Centre

Code of Conduct

Help us cultivate a Centre we all enjoy by reviewing and following the Code of Conduct.

Our Purpose

Thank you for being a part of the Career Development Professional Centre. To ensure that all members have the best possible experience, we have a few ground rules that we ask everyone to adhere to. This code of conduct applies equally to every person in the community and is intended to foster an online space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all.

Centre Rules

Be welcoming

We strive to be a place that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. We aim to be a place that promotes excellence and innovation in career and workforce development. Please extend respect to all members; we all come from different backgrounds and levels of knowledge and there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Be respectful

We won’t all agree all the time, but when we disagree don’t let those disagreements turn into personal attacks. A place where people feel uncomfortable or threatened will not be a productive one. When having discussions in the online community, commenting on a library article, or participating in other Centre activities, strive for productive conversations around the content being presented, not the person behind the content. Any comments determined to be “hate speech” towards any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the comment has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Hate Speech could include and is not limited to:

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person
  • Discriminatory jokes, language, or materials
  • Defamatory or abusive language or materials
  • Profane or illegal materials
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior

A good rule of thumb is to never say anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable with the world seeing or that you wouldn’t want anyone knowing came from you. We ask that you keep in mind the focus of this place, which is building excellence and innovation in career and workforce development for all individuals.

Be considerate of the purpose of the Centre

The Centre focuses on building excellence and discussing innovation in the career and workforce development field. The goal of the social learning community is to communicate goals, challenges, constructive feedback, and questions in relation to career and workforce development. The Centre should be a place for continued learning and development as well as a place to discuss the future of our field (solicitation without written consent by the Project or Advisory team, is strictly prohibited). Any post or comment that is determined to be soliciting any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the post has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC platform depending on the findings of the investigation.

Post your discussions or documents in the most appropriate group or topic

Especially within the social learning community, make reasonable efforts to ensure that posts and materials are allocated to the appropriate group or topic. This will prevent cluttering the feed and make it easier for everyone to find the information that they are seeking. Individuals who do this repeatedly will be contacted by one of the group admins and asked to follow these guidelines.

Privacy and Release of Information

CDPC-CEDC will not release your information to any third-party agencies.

Thank you and welcome to the CDPC