From Job Loss to Job Found! How to Help Adults and Youth Who Have Been Laid Off Survive Job Loss and Get Employed in Less Time Than Ever!
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A research study cited by the British Broadcasting Company showed that 89% of laid off workers experience health problems as the result of the layoff. Substance abuse, depression and other mental health problems and even suicide rates increase dramatically because of layoffs. Actually, the health problems start before the layoff as people feel the incredible stress, pressure and anxiety as they wait to hear if they are going to lose their jobs.
While losing a paycheck is very serious, it is far from the only thing people lose when they are let go from their jobs. They lose structure in their lives. They lose purpose. They lose respect and self-esteem. They lose the support and friendships that come from their workplace family. In many cases they lose their dream of a career and a better future. The loss often spills over into their families and can lead to the breakup of relationships and even divorce. People who go through job loss often experience the same devastating feelings that people experience with the death of a loved one. It is easy to underestimate the impact of being laid off unless you have experienced it.
Youth and adults that have lost their jobs can be very difficult to serve in our programs. They often bring anger and resentment from being laid off into the counseling relationship. They can be disoriented and not be able to make decisions or get the most out of our services. They frequently have unrealistic expectations about how long job search will take and what we can do to help them. Many workforce staff will say it is easier to work with people who have no or limited work histories than work with people who have lost their jobs. You can be successful with this population if you have the right program design and skill sets to address their challenges. If you want to get better results than ever with youth or adults dealing with job loss and help them go from pink slip to paycheck as quickly as possible, don’t miss this webinar!
Learn the four ways layoffs happen and how the type of layoff should change how you work with people to get the best results. Get a list of the most common job search mistakes that are made by people who are laid off so you can help the people you serve avoid these costly mistakes that will prolong their job search. The session includes new employment counseling, case management and program design strategies that can make your program a powerful springboard to reemployment success!
Discover from interviews with hundreds of youth and adults what they actually did in their job search that led to getting job offers in less time. Learn from employer feedback why they often don’t hire people who have been laid off because of the mistakes they make in interviews. If you are going to refer people to training, get new ideas for assessment and to improve retention in training and get better outcomes. For example, of people that started apprenticeships about 50% of them drop out before they complete their training! This webinar will make your training referrals stick like glue so they can finish training successfully. If you want to help youth and adults go from job loss to job found in record time, make sure you take this webinar!
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 10:30 am-12:30 pm PDT
Cost: $59.00
Use this link to learn more about or register for this webinar:
- Language: English
Virtual Event
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Nov 15 2023
- Time: 2:30 am - 4:30 am