Professional Ethics, Interviewing and Counselling
The core ethics, values, skills and knowledge base that are inherent in being a successful career counsellor are developed in this course. An ethical decision-making process is learned to increase the student’s competence in their role as a professional helper. The micro-skills hierarchy will be presented as a framework for mastering the basic interviewing and counselling skills. Integrated throughout the course will be growth through intentionality, cultural competence and exercises designed to help a student in their development of counselling competence and style. Counselling theories will be introduced. Students will practice client case management. (Restricted to program acceptance) (42 hours)
- Language: English
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: May 08 2023 - Aug 19 2023
Thank you for sharing this! Professional ethics in interviewing and counselling is extremely important and I am happy to hear that Conestoga is offering this course! Will you be taking it?