Project History
Where it Began…

One consistent theme across these papers was the need for stronger support for the vibrant, talented professionals working on the frontlines delivering career and employment services.
To address this need, in Spring 2022 FSC asked the Canadian Career Development Foundation and MixtMode Consulting to explore the feasibility of establishing a national Career Development Professional Centre that would focus on 6 main objectives:
- Providing a home for the Competency Framework, National Profile, Code of Ethics, and associated resources and a hub to promote their integration and application;
- Supporting career professionals in accessing training, at no to low cost, on career development in our emergent labour market, highlighting an updated career development process, affirming a common language, and outlining the full scope of career development practice - especially among those working in the public employment service;
- Creating and nurturing a social learning community, where professionals can exchange and grow with respect to their practice, application of learning, and further development needs;
- Establishing a central "one-stop shop" to find out about the full range of existing training available, as well as professional supports/associations and national/international developments that matter to our profession;
- Building a strong evidence base to inform policy and practice; and
- Being a unified voice to advocate for our sector, communicating our contribution to the socio-economic health of individuals, communities, and our nation.
What the Field Wants
The feasibility study was conducted from February to May 2022 and included:
- 30 individual interviews with career development trainers/educators, directors/leaders of associations, industry councils, other prominent bodies, and international colleagues
- 47 engagement sessions, live and virtual, with 448 people participating from coast to coast to coast
- An online survey which had over 560 responses
Canadian career professionals did not hold back! The feasibility study surfaced an incredible amount of information on what works well in the field, what does not, and how a Career Development Professional Centre can help. Overall, there was a high level of support for the establishment of the Centre and, specifically, for the six objectives.
The Centre is an essential mechanism to strengthen the professional identity of our field, a vital support to quality service delivery across the country, and a way to raise the bar to ensure the best service is offered to every Canadian, no matter where they live, or where they go to access career services.