Reflections and Shared Learning | Réflexions et partage des connaissances

  • Reflections and Shared Learning | Réflexions et partage des connaissances

    Publié par Deirdre Pickerell on avril 24, 2023 à 6:00 am

    The course Career Development Practice: Building a New Era is the first career development course in Canada’s history to be available to career development professionals in communities right across Canada, in French and English, at no cost. The pilot delivery of this course took place March-June 2023 with some 500 Canadian CDPs, across 29 cohorts, coming together to learn from each other.

    Within this discussion, we invite all who participated in this course to shift from learner to leader, sharing their insights, reflections, and key learnings and how the course impacted their day to day practice.

    Le cours Une nouvelle ère pour le développement de carrière est le premier cours de développement de carrière de l’histoire du Canada à être offert gratuitement aux professionnels du développement de carrière dans les communautés de l’ensemble du Canada, en français et en anglais. La prestation pilote de ce cours a eu lieu de mars à juin 2023 avec quelque 500 PDC canadiens, répartis en 29 cohortes, qui se sont réunis pour apprendre les uns des autres.

    Dans le cadre de cette discussion, nous invitons tous ceux qui ont participé à ce cours à passer du statut d’apprenant à celui de leader, en partageant leurs points de vue, leurs réflexions et leurs principaux apprentissages, ainsi que l’impact du cours sur leur pratique quotidienne.

    Deirdre Pickerell répondu Il y a 5 mois, 2 semaines 2 Membres · 2 Réponses
  • 2 Réponses
  • Donna Norcott

    novembre 4, 2023 à 6:11 pm

    Hello, when and how can I register for the next offering of the course: Career Development Practice: Building a New Era?



    • Deirdre Pickerell

      novembre 30, 2023 à 4:33 pm

      Hi Donna. I’m so very sorry no one replied to your post. I need to subscribe to this discussion so I won’t miss messages. We don’t have a schedule for future offerings of the Building a New Era course at the moment. We did do a limited number of cohorts this fall and then our focus is on updating the course (integrating all the feedback received from 30+ facilitators and 500+ students) and designing then launching a more self-paced, independent version.

Connectez-vous pour répondre.

Career Development Professional Centre

Help us cultivate a community we all enjoy by reviewing and following the Code of Conduct.  

Our Purpose  

Thank you for being a part of the online CDPC social learning community. To ensure that all members have the best possible experience, we have a few ground rules that we ask everyone to adhere to. This code of conduct applies equally to every person in the community and is intended to foster an online space that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all. 

Community Rules 

Be welcoming 

We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. We aim to create and facilitate a community that promotes excellence and innovation in career and workforce development. Please extend respect to all members; we all come from different backgrounds and levels of knowledge and there is no such thing as a stupid question. 

Be respectful 

We won’t all agree all the time, but when we disagree don’t let those disagreements turn into personal attacks. A community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened will not be a productive one. Instead, when having discussions in the online community, create productive conversations around the content being presented, not the person behind the content. Any post that is determined to be “hate speech” towards any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the post has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC community platform depending on the findings of the investigation.  

Hate Speech could include and is not limited to:  

  • Violent threats or language directed against another person 
  • Discriminatory jokes, language, or materials 
  • Defamatory or abusive language or materials 
  • Profane or illegal materials 
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior 

A good rule of thumb is to never post anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable with the world seeing or that you wouldn’t want anyone knowing came from you. We ask that you keep in mind the focus of this community, which is building excellence and innovation in career and workforce development for all individuals.  

Be considerate of the purpose of the community 

This community will be focused on building excellence and discussing innovation in the career and workforce development field. The goal of this community is to communicate goals, challenges, constructive feedback, and questions in relation to career and workforce development. The community should be a place for continued learning and development as well as a place to discuss the future of our field (solicitation without written consent by the Project or Advisory team, is strictly prohibited). Any post that is determined to be soliciting any individual or group will be deleted, and the user account may be locked until an investigation regarding the post has been concluded. The user may be given a written warning or removed from the CPDC community platform depending on the findings of the investigation. 

Post your discussions or documents in the most appropriate group or topic 

Make reasonable efforts to ensure that posts and materials are allocated to the appropriate group or topic. This will prevent cluttering the community and make it easier for everyone to find the information that they are seeking. Individuals who do this repeatedly will be contacted by one of the group admins and asked to follow these guidelines.  

Privacy and Release of Information  

CDPC-CEDC will not release your information to any third-party agencies.  

Group Admins 

There are four group admins who are available to you. Below are their names and their spoken language. 

Heather Powell | Anglophone 

Gabrielle St-Cyr | Francophone/Anglophone 

Florence Desrochers | Francophone/Anglophone

Muriel Andoblé-Yao | Francophone

Thank you and welcome to the CDPC Community!